As email marketing contact databases deplete, people’s emails change when they move from one organisation to another or abandon their address in favor of opting out.

How do you get people to sign up for your mailing list? You might think it’s as simple as sending them an email, but the truth is that getting new subscribers these days isn’t always so easy.

In order to maintain a healthy and growing list of potential customers or clients (or even just friends), businesses have been turning towards marketing campaigns which are targeted at specific demographics in order reach those interested parties with ads tailored specifically toward their needs – whether they’re looking online via search engines like Google.

Keeping a mailing list updated is not easy in practice. Even signing people up sounds simple on paper, but it’s really not that straightforward when you have to do this for your business or organisation every day.

Companies are increasingly relying on email marketing as a way to generate leads, but this has caused many users’ inboxes become overwhelmed with spam. It’s important for marketers and entrepreneurs alike not only have the right strategy in place when it comes time send out emails or create content; they should also make sure their target market actually wants what he/she is offering.

Doing email marketing right is hard work but the payoff can be huge. Luckily, we have compiled some of our best tips for increasing your list and turning that into sales revenue.

How to grow your email marketing list?

  1. Segment your email lists by buyer persona
  2. Create a lead generation offer
  3. Create unique email content
  4. Revive a stale email list with an opt-in campaign
  5. A/B test different campaign copy
  6. Create supplementary bonus content
  7. Create a blog that readers can subscribe to

  1. Segment your email lists by buyer persona

What’s better than having your current subscribers help grow the number on their hands? Or are you looking to get new ones, either way content should always be created with a unique twist. The key to getting noticed is through content. Whether you’re looking for more followers or just want people who enjoy what they receive from your email, make sure that all emails have some form of entertainment in them so their anticipation will continue until next time.

2. Create a lead generation offer

Ask for their email address by asking them to sign up on a landing page. Give away something in exchange, like an eBook or webinar recording (or both!) so that they can see what’s inside first before subscribing.

3. Create unique email content

Think of content as the backbone to any successful marketing campaign. It’s what gives your company an edge over competition, and it can’t be replaced by cheaper or faster solutions like TV ads which are proven not always effective in today’s digital world. The key to a successful email campaign is making sure your messages are entertaining, informative and valuable. If people enjoy reading them then they’ll want the next one straight away – which means it’s more likely that those emails will be passed on from person-to network of friends or colleagues as well.

4. Revive a stale email list with an opt-in campaign

If you want to make sure that your email list is as engaged and active of a group, it’s important for them not only receive the content from our emails but also take action. Creating an engaging opt-in message will encourage those on the list who may have been lost or don’t respond quickly enough with their own contact information so we can keep in touch.

Although it might seem counterproductive to remove users from your list, emailing contacts that you know are engaged improves your deliverability, increasing the odds of your email being shared outside of your current database.

5. A/B test Different Campaign Copy

Email list growth is often a battle between two forces: trust and relevance. You might be doing all the right things to generate leads – gated content, contests. But if your emails aren’t landing with those who need them most then it’s difficult for that knowledge base of potential customers or clients you’ve built up over time will turn into revenue streams providing real financial benefits in both short-term as well long term.

You could be missing out on potential customers because your design or copy isn’t engaging the way it should. To make sure you get all of those leads, try A/B testing different aspects in an effort to find what works best.

The call-to-action text is crucial for improving conversions. The colour of your gated offer or where these signup forms are placed on the website can also have an impact, so don’t be afraid to test things.

6. Create supplementary bonus content

Customers are always looking for new information and advice, especially if they’re interested in your product or service. Giving away some free beginner-level content can be an effective way to get their attention while you work on providing more advanced material that will better suit them individually.

7. Create a blog that readers can subscribe to

If you’re not already blogging, now is the perfect time to start. Your blog posts should be used as a way of increasing your ranking on search engines and generating subscribers who will eventually turn into email customers for future campaigns.

Stay connected by subscribing to my blogs and follow my tweets @gmfrem.