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As a social media marketer, I have always heard argument from my peers about a social media update that has to be deleted just because a boss or someone that is senior thinks it’s inappropriate? This often happens especially when you work within a corporate brand and have many people within the organisation that see social media as a negative tool and not technically savvy themselves. Do you have a recovery plan in case something on social media gets wrong? There has been various occasion when some employees leaving an organisation have wreaked havoc on a company’s twitter account and it’s was so embarrassing.

Negative Social Media revocery
Recovery from Negative Social Media Update

Steps to follow to militate against such negative social media update:

  1. Determine whether to delete the post or not
  2. Take full responsibility and apologise if possible
  3. Get ready to track mentions and engage
  4. Develop a post approval process for future social updates
  5. Have a social media policy in place and make sure only professional trained staff update your social media accounts
  6. Deal with your social media crisis immediately and tactfully
  7. Put a standard process in place that will protect your company in future

In conclusion, we all know most brands or organisations never wish to offend people on social media, but sometimes it just happens. Dissatisfied employees, hackers and trolls all have various motives which can negatively impact and destroy your social presence. Watch out for my next blog on using Social Media for businesses.